Cimbali Bistro Hydraulic Circuit

This diagram saved me

Also see:

The diagram shows how water enters and works its way around the system. When someone explains to you - after you tell them that the boiler is not filling after you turn the machine on - that you have to check the boiler fill solenoid, then you look to this diagram, figure out where the thing lives, and Bob's your uncle. Check your work twice so you know you're not looking at the wrong solenoid. There are about six of them inside this box.


You'll notice a nifty little rotary pump symbol at the bottom of the diagram. This of course, is not my reality. This diagram is of the M32, the next incarnation of the Bistro. Everything much the same, except for that pump, ha ha.

One of the fantastic things about the internet is it's global reach. A few well-placed PM's, to some cimbali-friendly coffee forum lounge lizards, and I got emailed the entire M32 DT/1 user guide (as well as older versions the M27 and M28) in PDF from a friendly enthusiast in Vancouver, ready to be printed and studied over a nice warm cappuccino. If there was an electronic fault, I also had the electrical diagram to pore over, if I was so inclined. If you think the above looks complicated…