Coffeetime Greens Club UK

The Greens Club

Coffeetime used to run a non profit Greens Club, but it is no longer operating, however our sponsor, Bella Barista now does a fine job of offering the same great coffees at a very small margin above wholesale for 20kg bulk purchases.

Our 5th purchase is underway and will be our last and final buy.

This is (as far as we are aware) a UK first. It came about mainly because the founder of Coffeetime, in discussion with other founder members, felt that forum members should have some benefit from being in a forum other than chat. Also those who home roast and are willing to make one larger purchase rather than many small ones, could benefit from a co-operative approach. The savings when buying green coffee wholesale (in bulk) are significant and because the forum is not commercially affiliated or influenced, the Greens Club could be freely discussed and implemented to the direct benefit of the members

It's a simple idea: A group of us get together and buy green coffee beans direct from the wholesaler. The savings that can be achieved are significant and a wide variety of coffees can be obtained at wholesale prices.

A number of people each buying in for £40-£70 + (amounts and prices to be decided each purchase) of beans, depending on the prices we pay and the qualities we go for. Usually it ands up being around 15-30Kg per person or more. A list of beans for purchase will be voted on and a selection made by popular vote.

The cost for all those beans….well it works out at £6-£8 per month!! for all that coffee. More than enough for even the heaviest user and some left over for friends. The other good point is that we should be able to buy a few different varieties of beans, some good quality and some excellent quality.

Members have equal quanities of each bean type purchased, but are free to swap amounts with other members, this would be done after collection.

Our 4th Purchase GC4 - March 2008

Java Blawan Estate
Kalossi G1
Sumatra Mandheling G1
Indian Monsoon Malabar AA
Nicaraguan Santa Rita Estate " Utz Kapeh
El Salvador - San Antonia estate - rainforest
Guatemalan Finca Isabel - Rainforest
Malawi "Pamwamba" AA+
Rawandan Fully Washed
Brazil Fazenda Nossa Senhora de Fatima Cerrado

Our 3rd Purchase GC3 - Nov 2007

Sumatra Lintong G1
Guatemalan - SHB - Roble - New Crop
Costa Rica - Tres Rios - La Laguna
PNG Plantation AX - Maloolaba
Rawandan Fully Washed
Colombian Supremo Scr 18 "La Manuela" Farm
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe
Peru Chanchamayo MCM
Honduras SHG - Yoija - New Crop

Our 2nd Purchase GC2 - May 2007

Guatemalan Finca Isabel – Rainforest Alliance
Mexican "Topacio" SHG (SHG = Strictly High Grown)
Brazil Fazenda De Lagoa (semi washed)
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe
Panama Boquette SHB

Our First Purchase GC1 - Feb 2007

see some images of our our coffee

I think it's well worth mentioning (mainly for the benefit of those not in the Greens Club and without access to the members area) that all the coffees have now been ordered. For those interested in, or thinking about participating next time these are the 9 coffees we have ordered.

Yemen Mocha Matari
Indonesia Sulotco Sulawesi Private Estate at Bolokan
Colombian Supremo Scr 18 "La Manuela" Farm
Java Blawan Estate
Nicaraguan Maragogype
Brazil Yellow Bourbon "Fazenda Rainha"
Sumatra Mandheling G1
Ethiopian Harrar Longberry
Genuine Old Brown Java

Each member who went for the minimum buy in will soon be enjoying 27kg evenly spread over this selection of fine coffees….for most of us….thats a years worth of coffee! Our coffees will be arriving within the next 5 weeks and the whole process was pretty painless. In part due to the (free) assistance of one of our members and also through the cooperation and flexibility of the members themselves.