Add a new page
So why should you want to add a page…surely the sponsor will write them. Yes and no, there might be some pages written by the sponsor, but often the most valuable content will come from you. I mentioned to the sponsor that to add pages, people might want some incentive (although I am sure some will do it for free, I did 100s of articles for nothing). Bella Barista are planning to give vouchers to people who write acceptable articles for the Wiki. These vouchers are anticipated to range from £5 to £15 in value.1 I will rate sumbitted articles and asssign the voucher value the article has (if any) and that Bella Barista should give. The value of articles is dependent on a combination of things such as; length, quality, photos and desirability of content. Just because you write a long article, if it's not also relevant, interesting or needed, then it's not likely to generate a high value. Also some articles may just be very small hints and tips and not necessarily merit a voucher value. Some ideas for Articles can be found here (link to be added)
Also don't worry about tags and parenting of the page. I will do that and if necessary do any minor tidying up of uploaded articles for you.
Note: when uploading image files, file names must not have spaces (or you cannot see them to add them in the add image wizard, and if you add them using manual code, they will not display), also please size your images accordingly.
So when creating new pages/content:
- Create the content and save the page
- upload the files you will need (the smaller ones or any .pdf article)
- edit and use the wizards to add any images etc.. you have uploaded and save the page again
- add tag codes, so people can find your page
best way is simply look at a few pages that have been done. Learning how to write artiles in the wiki doe not take very long and the buttons at the top of the edit window help a lot. Eventually though when you want bold you will just ** either side of a word or phrase like this, or for italics // like this.
Comments at the bottom are set to hidden, I changed this recently, because if you get a LOT of comments, it drives down page tags links at the bottom of the page and makes everything look really untidy. This way users can choose whether to show comments (to check if there are any) or use the button on the sidebar to open the Comments and discussion attached to any Coffeetime article (this is actually a per page forum!). members can post, but non members can only read. This gives article owners and Wiki members a specific area/forum to discuss ALL the articles!
Think hard though about whether the article really needs comments or not (as it makes a new discussion thread in the Wiki forum), if not delete the comment block.