Grinder comparison Eureka Zenith 65E vs Mazzer Mini E

A quick look at the Eureka 65E

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I have the pleasure of trying out the Eureka Zenith 65E on Demand grinder. I think it represents better value than either the Mazzer Super Jolly or the Mazzer Mini E and the grind quality is definitely better than the Mini E. Click on the PDF document link below to read more.

I even did a video with the oldest coffee (2 months old) darkest slightly oily roast and a coffee that had to be ground quite fine anyway, ( more so now it was older)…so the biggest challenge it could get for mess and clumping. It a ristretto type shot, due to the fineness of grind. See video link below

You tube Video

I also did a little thing to make the grinder messless

Messless Eureka You tube Video

All you need to make it messless are some of these, which can be obtained from the Chinese supermarket or some Tesco stores. You simply cut of the bottom 1cm and they work perfectly in a 58mm portafilter.
