Alternative feet for the Izzo Alex Duetto & Izzo Alex MKI/MKII
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The feet of the current model machines are of a hi density rubber, covered with a silver coloured plastic shell (to simulate the look of metal). Yes they work and are functional, even height adjustable (unlike the feet on many espresso machines)………….but they don't look great. Izzo do have some aluminium feet in the pipeline (similar to the feet I now use, but from photos they look to be a smaller diameter, I don't know the height).
I did find some alternative feet from an on line supplier some weeks ago, but have refrained from posting this article until I was sure they looked good. When I first fitted them, the machine looked….different, I wasn't sure, but I thought they looked fine, it was just different.. I am now used to them and feel they are a definite improvement to the machines looks, so finally feel confident about posting the article.
The replacement feet are about 1cm higher than the existing feet, so will raise the height of the machine above the counter….for those machines with a water hose connection, this will be a positive bonus, it also gives more clearance for cleaning underneath the machine. The are made from high quality lathe turned steel (not chrome plated as described on their web site) and have a rubber pad on the bottom. If the machine is going to be frequently slid from under cupboards for refilling, I recommend you go to your local DIY store and buy some Teflon glide pads for the base of the feet, so the machine slides around easily.
You can get the feet from Elite Engineered Products Ltd, 01543 220112, I spoke to a chap called Steve who was very helpful. The feet are £1.80 each plus about £6.00 for p&p (just ask them to send it standard post in a Jiffy Bag, otherwise its a whopping £10). So for 4 VERY high quality feet it will cost you approx £13.20 delivered….good value I think.
The foot is a Stool Foot described as: SF42050C 42mm 50mm Bright Chrome Plated M8
Luckily though it's not Chrome Plated, it's solid steel Note: mine has a Satin type finish and is completely solid, I was recently sent a picture (from the states) of an actual chrome one that was formed from tube. The person ordering used the part number quoted above. All I can say is that it's the part number that's on my Delivery Note, but it's possible that there has been an error. So double check before you order. My feet are solid turned (machined) steel and not chrome plated. The finish is a nice turned finish that is in effect "satin"

Fitting to a standard Alex should simply involve cutting 2 of the M8 threaded bar in half (4 are supplied, but they are twice as long as required). When fitting the feet to an Alex, it should be a simple replacement (unfortunately I no longer have my Mk1 Alex to check this, so anyone fitting to an Alex, please let me know how it went)….with the Duetto, one of the pump mounting machine screws has a domed top and is just in the wrong place for the rear left hand foot to screw in completely. It's not a problem, because you simply remove this domed machine screw and swap it for one of the countersunk machine screws holding the heating element access panel in place (underneath the machine). Then before replacing this swapped screw (for the pump mounting), use a large HSS (high Speed Steel) drill bit to "countersink" the hole, so the screw sits almost flush with the base of the machine….it will be obvious once you do it, just don't go mad with the countersinking, it's only a slight chamfer that is required, your NOT trying to make a larger hole….in that direction lies tears!
P.S. If your machine has been rough handled during transit, carefully use the new feet to flex the frame mountings so that they are completely square with the machine…because any out of true is far more obvious with these feet